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Columns Discoveries Updates Ideas FAQ Tools Books PR Communication Circle


liteblb.gif (981 bytes) Why Customer Assistance Sucks Our recent survey says: Online stores ought to do a better job of helping customers.  Confusing names, hard-to-find-links, out-of-the-way information, and text, text, text make much customer assistance difficult and, well, not very helpful.
 liteblb.gif (981 bytes)  Going Global What a store has to face when it takes makes its storefront available to the whole world. Some ideas from an international trade expert.
liteblb.gif (981 bytes)  How Online Stores Can Develop Communities Phil Greenspun, a wonderful photographer and casual Computer Science prof at MIT, shows how to cook up a site that allows online community, virtual publishing, and, perhaps, some sales.

The Best of Online Shopping: : Columns/Discoveries/Updates/Ideas/FAQ/Tools/Books/PR

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Communication Circle: Services/Tips/Theory/WebPoems/Workshops/Books/Articles/Lisa/Jonathan
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