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Training Writers
Taking a FreshLook™

Training Writers

Coaching Writers

Writing from a User's Point of View

Increasing your Return on Information

Improving Documentation for Databases

Supporting Writers' Groups

As writers, we can train other writers without sounding professorial, or irrelevant.  We know most of the crises they face.  We have worked through many of the problems they encounter.  We speak from shared experience.

Our workshops aim at adults.  We do not just lay out a rule, and then force students to do an exercise to learn it.  Our approach assumes that professional writers can understand quickly why a particular strategy answers a question they have faced.   Exercises and discussions aim at deepening their grasp of the strategy, not just repeating a phrase by rote.

We have trained professional writers on site, and in graduate programs at U.C. Berkeley, Stanford, U.C. Santa Cruz, and the University of New Mexico, as well as through the Seminars in Usable Design.

Topics include: step-by-step procedures, help systems, usability testing for writers, web writing style, object-oriented approaches to improving legacy documents, and recycling information through databases.  We tailor most training by reviewing current documentation, taking examples from there, and rewriting all handouts to reflect the industry, and the particular department we are working with. For more information, please call us at 505 898-4912.


Copyright 1998 Jonathan and Lisa Price, The Communication Circle
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