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Writing from a User's Point of View

Taking a FreshLook™

Training Writers

Coaching Writers

Writing from a User's Point of View

Increasing your Return on Information

Improving Documentation for Databases

Supporting Writers' Groups

We started out as writers, doing articles in magazines like Arts, Esquire, Harper’s, Home Office Computing, MacWorld, Reader’s Digest, and TV Guide. This background in journalism helped us tune our style to a variety of audiences, introducing them to a wide variety of technological subjects.

We’ve written more than two dozen books explaining technology to consumers, and half a dozen giving advice on how to write. At the center of our circle, Jonathan Price wrote How to Write a Computer Manual (Benjamin/Cummings, 1984), and co-authored an update with Henry Korman, How to Communicate Technical Information (Benjamin/Cummings, 1993). He’s finishing a book now for Ablex called Outlining Goes Electronic.

Through 20 years writing, editing, training, and managing technical communication in the high-tech industry, our team has become familiar with most of the crises you face. We’ve pushed documentation from paper manuals to online help, then CD-ROM, and now Web sites.


Copyright 1998 Jonathan and Lisa Price, The Communication Circle
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